When the Lights Go Out
It only took seconds for the lives of five boys to be completely turned upside down. Foreword“You know I don’t drink,” Key mumbled, reflexively catching the bottle of alcohol thrown his way.“C’mon Key, it wouldn’t hurt to try it, nothing’s going to happen,” Jonghyun pressed, a lazy smile splayed across his face. He was unprepared as the bottle was thrown back at him, hitting him squarely in the chest.“You promised you wouldn’t do this if I agreed to hang out with you and your friends,” Key hissed, eyes narrowing at his boyfriend, or if this kept up, soon to be ex-boyfriend.“Fine, be a killjoy,” Jonghyun muttered under his breath, aware of the stares Key and him were receiving from his “friends.”To be honest, they were just a bunch of seniors from the High School that he attended. Whom would occasionally invite him along to hangout or go partying. Most of these times ended with them all getting drunk off their asses, and in his case, having to call Key to come pick him up; considering they were always too drunk to walk two feet in front of themselves without falling, much less drive home.Key huffed and heatedly took a seat, crossing his legs as he glared at Jonghyun with spite.Jonghyun just turned away, opening the bottle Key had thrown at him and chugging it, completely aware of the cheers and whoops he received from the seniors, as well as the scowl his boyfriend sent his way.“Give me the keys!” Key growled, jumping up as he tried to snatch back the keys to the truck, from the seniors teasing grip.“Awe, what a feisty boyfriend you have here Jjong,” The senior smirked down at Kibum, who was still trying to make a grab at the keys, which the senior kept high out of his reach.“C’mon Key, just get in the car,” Jonghyun pleaded, an obvious slur to his voice; the result of the alcohol he had previously consumed.“Fuck you Jonghyun,” Key spat. “Especially if you think I’m getting in the car with this drunk-ass idiot driving!” Key’s shout rang throughout the campfire clearing.“Hey cool it kid,” The senior growled, obvious anger in his voice as he glared at Key.“Key, I promise nothing will happen, just get in the car,” Jonghyun once again pleaded, approaching his boyfriend and throwing an arm around his waist, hugging him close. Key was having none of that though.“Get your fucking hands off me,” He snapped, throwing Jonghyun’s arm off his waist, and crossing his arms against his chest. “Fine, I’ll get in the car, but after this, I swear Jonghyun, we are over!”“Key, C’mon don’t be-““Over,” Key snarled, opening the door and climbing into the cramped space of the backseat. A second later Jonghyun joined him, and Key found himself crammed in-between Jonghyun and one of the seniors. Meanwhile the three other seniors took their seats in the front.Key made a face of displeasure as he resisted the urge to plug his nose. The entire truck reeked of alcohol. He sighed and leant his head back against the seat.A second later the truck hummed to life and they began their way back to the city.Minho leant back against the brick wall of a shop. The cool night breeze blew through his hair, but he didn’t move. An anxious smile stretched across his face as excitement bubbled up inside of him. It felt like he had been waiting there for ages. It was a miracle the shop owner hadn’t told him off for loitering.Looking down, he sent a quick glance at his watch which confirmed his suspicions. He had indeed been waiting there for almost an hour.A sigh escaped his lips and he turned to face the glass, quickly making sure his hair was perfect.As the minutes ticked by, he began to wonder if maybe his date had stood him up. Just as he was about to leave, a blur streaked across the street, until a young boy, probably around a year younger than himself, stood panting in front of him.“S-Sorry I’m la-late,” Taemin gasped out between pants. “Dance ran a little long,” He explained, standing straight as he regained his breath. He felt bad, their reservations had been made for 10’ 0clock sharp. It was now past 11. Few people wandered the streets, and shop lights slowly began to shut off as their owners prepared to head home to their families.Minho only smiled, ruffling his boyfriend’s hair. “It’s fine, I’m sure we can find someplace that still open,” Of course he was a bit disappointed; the reservation he had made had cost him all his earnings for the past 2 months. But now, looking down at the cute face he couldn’t bring himself to be angry. “I know of a 24/7 sandwich shop open a couple blocks away.”Taemin nodded, suddenly gaining a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Sounds good to me,” He agreed, and before Minho had a chance to say anything, he took off. “Last one there buys the other ice-cream!” Taemin shouted, ignoring the surprised face of his boyfriend.“Yah!” Minho shouted, breaking off into a sprint as he tried to catch up. Minho may have been the more athletic out of the two, but Taemin was fast, at least when he wanted to be.They rounded the corner, both panting hard, Taemin a few feet ahead of Minho.Minho was about to call out to his boyfriend when he caught sight of something that made his blood run cold. A truck was hurtling down the streets at full speed, and Taemin, his mind focused solely on winning the race, was heading straight in the direction of the truck, completely unaware of the speeding vehicle heading straight for him.Time seemed to slow, seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours, hours turned to days, days turned to weeks, and still Minho stood frozen. A sudden bolt of adrenaline flowed through him and he rushed forward. Finally regaining the ability to speak, his only thoughts was to save Taemin, to make him stop, anything to stop the disaster that seemed to be approaching.“Taemin watch out!”