Earning Your Roar

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Author: ColouredFate
Time: 2023-11-02

Delilah Faye Holloway is your average soon-to-be High School Sophomore. Shes smart and pretty, but unfortunately gifted with the inability to process social situations as easily as everyone else. Sure, she had plenty of aquaintences at school, but for the most part she didnt have any real friends.Then her father surprises both her and her mother with an announcment. They would be sponsoring a group of twelve exchange students for the oncoming summer and school year. To make matters worse, they were all boys. Girls were easy to talk to. Boys? Not so much. Delilah Faye Holloway  ForewordThe beat exploded then.There was a hiccup in the sound and suddenly things changed.All of the couples stopped and turned to me, the boy I was with stopping and shielding me from their gaze.What was going on?He looked back at me, grabbed my hand and pulled me away.
