Nothing Better

Fluff 10K Active
Author: keyumma
Time: 2023-11-02

Oneshot time! Okay so this is a jongkey oneshot inspired by when Jonghyun sang nothing better on various radio stations. I love his voice so much and i just had to make a fanfic with it :) okay so this is shorter but its where Jonghyun loves Key and Key loves Jonghyun ( how all my stories are) they both know it this time though. They are in love, but dont want anyone to know. Until the day Jonghyun decides to tell everyone on radio and sings to key. btw Key has blonde hair so this is recent :]15.01.2013Keyumma here!just letting anyone know who will read this i plan on an eventual sequel~with love-keyumma <3 Foreword"gu roh geh eesoh ju myeon, nothing better, nothing better, than you~" You could hear Jonghyun practicing from his room for when we go on radio. His voice makes me tingle every time i hear it, the same shiver that goes up my spine, the same Goosebumps appear on my arms.
