Starving Makes It Fat
Size isn’t everything, but it can mean life or death when Matthew and Liz come to town. ForewordMatthew stepped onto the scales. Trish, the coordinator, read out his weight. Hed lost three pounds, bringing him to his target weight. He got the loudest cheer of the night. He smiled modestly. Under cover of writing down his achievement on his Weight Warriors pocket card, he looked the women over. Hed already had four of them: Angie, Claire, Jane and Sonya. He could have had Trish too, but he never did coordinators. They were inclined to be vengeful and more intelligent than their clients. If he got Sharon in the sack tonight, he wouldnt have to come back next week. He glanced at her. She blushed. He looked around the room. Angie simpered, Claire grinned, Jane looked down, and Sonya refused to catch his eye. A good haul. Of course, they were oblivious to their collective nature, each thought herself the only recipient of his attentions - these women didnt boast about sex. He could never have got away with it if they did. Sometimes, when he looked at women, he saw them composed of food. Claire, the fast food queen, with vanilla milkshake flesh-tones, and hair the stringy, bleached texture of reconstituted French fries. Jane: cocoa-colored skin and candy pink lips. Sonya - a dairy maid with dimpled hands like cheese fingers, and acres of creamy curves. He timed his exit so Sharon was shoulder to shoulder with him. More accurately, her shoulder - mottled but solid, like prime beef sausage - brushed his elbow. She was nearly as wide as she was tall, and her blonde moustache showed how inefficient facial bleach could be. Matthew wished she waxed. Smooth skin was much easier to transmute in his imagination, especially with his eyes closed. May I offer you a lift home? He spoke gently, both to avoid startling her if she was skittish, and to ensure the other women didnt overhear. Tonight Sharon would be his J-Lo. He hoped she wasnt a grunter. It was hard to imagine Jennifers sultry tones and lavish love-gifts of Rolex and iMac, if the woman beneath him was honking and squealing. He hoped she wasnt a virgin either. He hated the tedium of it, and deflowering was always followed by much emotional guff. He began to hum under his breath, I should be so lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky, I should be so lucky in love. Sharon giggled.