Lightning Bug

Fluff 20K Active
Author: FanTheWind
Latest: Final
Time: 2023-11-02

Highschool, in Baekhyuns humble opinion, is supposed to be for studying. No time for all that soul-mate stuff.Until he pushes Park Chanyeol in the locker room, and the douche lights up like a glowstick ForewordIn a universe where soulmates are very real, everyone is born with an easy fool-proof method of finding them.Physical manifestations of the soul - so eloquently called orbs - can be called on by will to appear, to hold and pass around. They were blue, sometimes small, sometimes big. Some people said that the size determined your level of loyalty, but not very much was actually known about them, yet they had rules:You only get one. This would seem unfair other than its intimately connected to your body by unknown reasons, so you cant loose it. You would think it would be difficult to hold onto, but in reality it absorbed into your body much like how it comes out.And whoever can do the same is the one youre destined to be with - your soulmate. Once it connects, it never comes back.   Literally this was a stupid dream I had a few years back where this cute guy in my class was dating a girl, but we lived in an AU where you had actually eight balls that were yellow in color and you threw them at people to see if they were your soulmate. The cute guy threw six of them at me and they melted into my skin and I began to glow yellow where they hit me, but he was all like "Cool." and walked away with his girlfriend like it didnt happen.r00d
