Tutorial/Guide: How to write (fan)fiction!
Author: RewritingTheRules
Latest: Not an update on the tuto
Time: 2023-11-03
Requested! A guide on how to write fanfiction! This is the process that I go through, and Im guiding you guys through it. This is not THE way to write, for there are many different ways, but this is just what works for me. Feel free to leave out or add certain parts. I hope this is helpfull! ForewordHey everyone! May here! So… Many people out there have asked me how to write a story, and Ive decided to write a guide on how I write my stories. This is not the one and only way to write it, this is just the way I write my stories. You can write your stories in whatever way you want, this is just to help you a little. Everyone writes differently, and this method might not work for everybody, but I hope I can help some people with this!