Like Brothers

Eunhae 10K Active
Author: elfyjewel904
Latest: Authors note
Time: 2023-11-02

"We know each other even before our trainee years, laughing, playing and doing the goofiest things. Thats how these precious 14 years passed. Although I share all my stuff with Eunhyuk be it family or any other thing he never once told me anything thats the reason why weve had many fights" - Donghae Forewordokayy so this like my first eunhae fanficyess I ship eunhae as much a I ship any other couplesThose Eunhae moments just kills me. They are always there to mesmerize meDont you think so? (So proud of the poster) ps: All the copy rights is reserved to its owner (which is indeed me)Do not plagarize and even if you intend to do credit me for that .
