teru teru bozu.
rain rain go away let the sun shinesteru teru bozu- a little traditional handmade doll made of white cloth that Japanese hang outside of their window by a string. This amulet is supposed to have magical powers to bring good weather and to stop or prevent a rainy day. "Teru" is a verb which describes sunshine, and a "bōzu" is a term for addressing little boys. (wikipedia) © ForewordLittle kyungsoo looked out the window as he let out a deep sigh. The rain wouldnt stop until the sun set, he predicted. "I was supposed to be out with my friends right now! Were supposed to play around to celebrate my birthday!" the frowning Kyungsoo groaned in frustration. He almost teared up. It was the worst birthday in his life.Not until another kid who seemed to be at the same age as him stepped into his house, which caught his attention soon after. The boy hung up a white doll right above the window. Kyungsoo glued his gaze to the figure and the latter looked back, giving him a wide smile. "rain rain go away...""let the sun shines again..."Before Kyungsoo could do anything to react, the mysterious boy ran away. With widened eyes, Kyungsoo quickly got out to chase after him. Kyungsoo ran as fast as he could, but the boy was much faster. He was already out of sight. Going back disappointedly, Kyungsoo looked up to see the small doll that boy hung up. He knew the name of that doll.Teru teru bozu.And with a surprise expression drawn all over his face, he turned around to look at the sky.The rain had stopped.