He had been used, beaten and tormented - with words and actions. Nobody knew what went on behind the closed doors, after the shows where nobody could see. The bruises were covered in foundation, hidden away from prying eyes. The fans knew nothing, they knew nothing about the bruises and cuts, because he acted like nothing was wrong - he was BigBangs leader, he couldnt show weakness. He stayed silent, the threats overclouding his every word and so slowly he changed, his silent cries for help were ignored...and so he slowly stopped trying, JiYong slowly gave up. ForewordHi guys!!! This is my first chaptered story on here, I have written them before though. I am not using JiYongs actual manager for this story (because hes awesome!) This story contains abuse and other themes that you may find upsetting so dont feel compelled to read on!Thanks for even looking at my story! Plus I also have a Nyongtory one-shot collection if youd like to check it out ;)))