Stay in my heart. [Onesh♥t]
Its your 4 and 3rd anniversary.It is also marked your 3 month break up anniversary.Confused? Well let me clear it out to you.Hi! Im Chundoong, people call me Thunder though.Its been 3 month since Ive been single.Me and Her have been together for 4 years now.So basically if were still together, it will be our 4 year and 3 month anniversary.Although everytime if it is our monthsary I would always greet her without a fail and well I guess it still grows on me cause even for the past 2 month. I will always greet her. Reminding her about our past.I mean 4 years together, there are fond to be something stronger created between us, right? Or maybe at least to me it does. I just cant forget her. Never once it cross my mind to forget about he.. Well at least thats on my side of the story. This fan fic is for YieMinheeMy baby dongsaeng ^^Copyright © 2011 by AdoringButterflyy ForewordHEY HEY! This is my 6th fan fic. Yes it is about Chundoong. HEHE.. Its a request so I tried my best.