Our Connection Through Music
A piano and a guitar, Shinhye and Yonghwa. That was their only connection together: music. Was there even a chance for their relationship to blossom into something bigger? They both sound amazing when they play; her fingers naturally tap all the right keys, and his fingers strum the right strings beautifully. But, when its the mouths that are conversing, theyre never on the same level. They dont necessarily loathe each other; theyre just not a good match.Can a school performance bring out the best in them? Could it possibly help a foreign feeling emerge between the two? ForewordShinhye walked out of her college building, and made her way towards the music department. She walked in, and hoisted her bag up to her shoulder. She reached for the doorknob of the strings group, but stopped when she heard them starting to play. The corner of her lips tugged themselves into a sincere smile; it was these moments when she realized that she was immensely passionate for music. She tilted her head, and let go of the knob. She leaned back against the door, and enjoyed the wonderful music. She heard the violin, viola, and the cello play the lower parts; and her eyes widened in surprise when only one guitar played the higher parts. She hummed to the guitars melody, and sighed in delight. She stood up straight, and opened the door slightly. She frowned when they stopped playing, and focused all their attention on her."You shouldve kept playing. I was enjoying it behind the door moments ago." she whined, then smiled. "Oh, I have these music sheets that were to be delivered here." she pointed out her reason why she was there, and handed it to the person playing the violin. Her eyes searched the room; she was looking for the person who played the guitar. She sighed, and looked over to the group of violinist. "Im curious about the person playing the guitar.." she trailed off, and bit her lip slightly. "Ive never heard a guitar playing with you guys, ever since Ive been a regular here." she grinned, and found no sign of a guitar in the room. "Can you point out that person?"A girl, Gayeon, lowered her viola from her shoulder, and placed it on her lap. She turned her head to her, and smiled sincerely. She spoke up, and reasoned: "Well.. The reason you dont see him right now.. is because he only lets us practice with the recording of his guitar." She brushed a strand of hair out of her face, and shrugged her shoulders. "Im sorry.. But, I think Yonghwa-ssi is secretive about his skills with the guitar.""Yonghwa? Is that his name?" she asked as she recieved the information. She placed her finger on her chin, and ran through the list of names she knew. Her bottom lip stuck out, "I dont know a Yonghwa-ssi in this university.""Should I introduce you to him? Its about his guitar playing, right? Its the least I could do." the girl offered with a smile."Thatd be great!" she clapped her hands, and grinned."Do you play the guitar, Eonnie?" she asked with confusion lingering in her voice.Everyone that played the strings knew Shinhye. She was a regular visitor because she enjoyed the sounds of all of the instruments so much; she listened to them play often. "Ani, Gayeon-ah." she smiled, and shook her head simultaneously. "I just love the beautiful sound. I actually play the piano.""Id like to hear you play one day," she said with a smile."Im still practicing to become great. But, the principal contacted me.. He suggested me to play with the strings.. You guys." she said with a smile. She was really excited about getting to play with such beautiful sounds."Im sure well sound amazing, Eonnie!""I want it to sound spectacular, Gayeon-ah."The others smiled at her expectations. They came to feel a different aura in the room when she was around. She made the room a pleasure to be in."Itd be a fun expirence!" a violinist exclaimed with joy."Im in," two boys with violas chirpped.At the end, she everyone joined in.She tuck a strand behind her ear, and smiled in delight. "Im glad everyones up for this difficult task. Its not like pianos and strings play together everyday.. Im glad you all accepted me!" she grinned, and bowed. She bit her lip, and looked around the room. "The guitarist is going to play with us, right?""I dont think we can get him to play.. Its extremely rare for him to even practice with us." she softly admitted with a frown."Ill get him to play with us," she said with confidence. She would be able to convince the guitarist, right?