Fragile guy

Yongguk 00K Active
Author: dyahambar
Latest: New Students.
Time: 2023-11-02

Himchan is a high school student. it is his 2nd year to study here. And he is known as a gangster he sometimes bully people along with Bang Yongguk. Another gangster from the school. It is Yongguks 3rd year. And they bully people not only the boys but also the girls. All of the school students, teachers, and even the workers knew him. Not cause he is a gangster, but because he is a genius student. Until, a transfer student came and changed everything. Forewordits my 2nd fanfic so, itll be somehow embarrasing:3 and i am going to make it a 10+ chaptered but less than 20 i guess. Who knows?:)
