87 Years

Fluff 00K Active
Author: a-horn
Latest: First Half
Time: 2023-11-03

Hi, Im Taemin --- Lee Taemin. I was 13 when I first saw you. Remember? I raised my hands up while Sir Yoochun was discussing the negative sign in Algebra. I asked him if I may go to the bathroom and with a glance, he nodded. I went out of the room and turned right, going to the bathroom which was in the end of the corridor. No students are loitering around since its 10pm and everyones in class. But, I heard someone screaming. It was Ms. Roo..wait. It was probably Ms. Jung.. Anyways, I continued to walk and as I got closer to Ms. Jung, I noticed someone kneeling with her hands up --- it was you. You were chewing a blue gum, then fearlessly popped it while the teacher was scolding you. I also certainly saw you roll your eyes.  What? You didnt? Dont lie! I saw it. Youre such a rebel in those times. Haha! Ms. Juri kept on talking but you still ignored her, eyes closed. I was a few meters from the two of you and only 3 steps away from the bathroom while my head and eyes are still focused on your daunting face. What? You didnt see me back then?  Omo. You really dont remember that? Aish.. So I have to tell you our story.    Listen. ForewordOkaaay.. The description probably did not make sense. lol But Im sure it will soon!  This is my first one-shot! Whew, this is nerve-wracking. I just had this urge to write and tada!  oops, one-shot became too long; decided to cut it into parts. teehee. Its about Taemin again! Hahaha! clapsclapsclaps Got any clues on whos the girl (yes, girl) he is talking to? *winkwink*  Youre free to comment or subscribe! See you~
