Future Girlfriend...

Bangyongguk 00K Active
Author: shineemarysol
Latest: Final.
Time: 2023-11-02

So Im sort of, kind of, just a little bit, crushing on BANG YONGGUK~ I mean...who doesnt have a crush on the guy? If you dont, you best check yourself. Lol. I kidd, I kidd.:D   Youre wishing you were that hoola-hoop, arent cha?Sicko. ForewordI wrote this oneshot for my dear friend, Endlesslove.Shes been having a little rough time so I thought I shouldtry and cheer her up with this fanfic.Saranghae bestie~!^-^Enjoy, everybody! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwI60MbiaOw^^^ enjoy the video! :]Bang Yongguks voice is so niiiiice. *fangirl sigh*
