
Angst 00K Active
Author: kpopcrown
Latest: New Story
Time: 2023-11-01

Shin Sekyungs life lays beneath the shadows of her graceful sister and between the lines of solitude. Her life is not what we can call a decent life, but still she is satisfied. The said girl does not care about how her life was shaped or what is her purpose in this gigantic world. She only knew one thing even before finding herself.She is a disgrace.And the only way to hide it was beneath her sisters glory.Yes, she is selfish. She is conceited and a pure hindrance to anyone and everyone. But even the coldest, the most vicious, and even the broken have souls. Yet the said girl is convinced she doesnt. She is confused. She hates her skin. She is broken.No one can mend her. And Ill show you why. ForewordShin Sekyung | Guilty l Broken Xiumin I Angel I Happy Shin Sunmi I perfect I beautiful        A/N:To my lovely readers,I have been writing oneshots for quite a while now, and almost always I get discouraged posting them. My rate in sunbscribers is very low, and I barely have comments to encourage me. I appreciate all of you, I really do but, please spend a little time writing a comment for me to read. I worked my very best to write this, and I would love to hear your comments. If you liked the story, please express your gratitude by simply upvoting. Trust me, it helps me a lot. Thank you very much for your generous time in reading this oneshot. I do hope you enjoyed it. Have a wonderful day! Kpopcrown  ©Copyright. The storyline idea belongs to me. If other stories are similar as this, it is a pure coincidence. Do not plgiarize.    This story was reviewed by Pink Paris Review Shop! Please visit~Final Review = A must read. A beautiful story that brings emotions to readers that I dont have enough words to describe it. Readers, just click on that subscribe button because you surely wont regret it. Excellent job, Kpopcrown! The background was made by Yawmpitschiaa at Lightless Poster. Please check the shop.~ A special thanks to ZYX Adevertisement Shop  for the advertisement. Many thanks to Lust Review Shop for the insihgtful and amazing review.
