Would any dream really happen if you worked hard enough for it?
Author: cupcake11
Latest: First day of school.
Time: 2023-11-02
Hi guys, new author and to asianfanfics. Please support me and my stories now on and for the future! >_< I will work hard! ForewordYuna is a young girl aged 13 who is very ambitious to accomplish her dream To be part of YG. But she was too scared of the obstacles that faces her. I mean she couldnt imagine a life without being in Yg singing on stage with some few other people as well. She also has 2 sisters who want to be in Yg btw.Yuna: Pretty, sweet, kind and ambitious girl. (youngest in the family)Joona: Pretty, kind of over reacting type and easily gets mad. ( middlest child in the family)Woona: Pretty, stubborn but kind. ( eldest in the family)They are all girls who live in uk. Parents do not know about their dream.