A Heart In Two Places
Im Yoona has always considered herself a happy-go-lucky type of girl. Her pride would enter the room before she did. Who would have foretold, that the tragic loss of her father would forge for her new friendships with a group of girls who became akin to sisters to her. Seohyun, Tiffany, Jessica, Yuri, Sooyoung, Taeyeon, Sunny and Hyoyeon became her closest confidants, and role models in her determination to be the kind of daughter whod make her father proud.Ok Taecyeon however, is the type of boy who appeared to be arrogant, because he was. But only because that was how everyone perceived him, and who was he to try to prove them wrong? He is a member of boy band 2PM, and is a supposed big-time player, however, those close to him knew that Taecyeon was probably about the shyest thing around women in reality.Kim Heechul, now this is a guy who was the culmination of the word crazy and impulsive. He could change moods quicker than the wind could change direction. He works at a CD shop across from Im Yoonas house, and when hes not being an all-around know it all and prankster, he dreams of becoming the next biggest singer/artist.For a girl finding her way in this world, how is one to choose between the two? Foreword"Basically a Heechul-Yoona-Taecyeon thing... Im not really planning anything, just going along with the flow..I apologise for spelling mistakes, I will go through sometime and fix them.also, this is my first fanfic, so please, no hate.Kamsamnida ^ ^ " If anyone should come across this note in 2022, how embarassing. I suddenly remembered my past moonlighting at 2am writing fanfics at the age of probably 13 and came to find my account. Im rewriting this, partly because its too embarrassing to look back at otherwise, but too sentimental to delete. Anyway,here we go.