VIXX One Shots and Scenarios (On Hiatus)

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Time: 2023-11-02

Hello fellow Starlights! Since there arent enough VIXX fics -- in my opinion -- I decided that I would write some! I take requests too, so if you want me to write you something, please leave the following information in the comments:Pairing: (Yaoi is allowed, and also het!fics) If a character is an OC, please state so in brackets.Genre: (Whether you want the story to be fluff, angst, fantasy, supernatural or whatever; a mixture of genres is fine as well)Plot / prompt: (Try to make this as detailed as you can so that I am able to write a one shot that is satisfactory to your expectations).Multiple pairings are allowed as well, and so are friendships (where everyone is platonic). Main characters have to include one, or multiple, VIXX members, obviously. ForewordContents1: On a Balcony in Summer Air (Hongbin x OC)2:  Even the Best Pilots Need a Co-pilot ( Ravi x OC )3: Happy Birthday (Hyuk x OC)4: Taking Chances (N x OC)5: The Perks of Dating Ken (Ken x OC)6: (Requested Scenario) (Hongbin x OC)
