A Heart Full of Love

Arrangedmarriage 30K Active
Author: febest
Time: 2023-11-03

Main CharactersKim Jaehwa (You)-Luhans FriendLs Little SisterDaughter of a Famous, Wealthy Company Owner/PresidentPretty, but doesnt admit itPlays Tennis and PianoLike LuhanNice, Pretty, Cute, Talented  Xi Luhan-Jaehwas FriendSon of a Famous, Wealthy, Company President in BeijingPlays Tennis and PianoLike JaehwaCute, Funny, Fun, Talented Jaehwa and Luhans Family Choi Kim Minhwan-Cute, Nice, Bratty, Tries To Be ManlyGets Adopted By The Kims  Kim Myungsoo (L)-Childish, Perverted, WhineyJaehwas Older BrotherHuanyues Boyfriend Xi Huanyue-Luhans Older SisterVery Pretty, Nice, Sisterly, Responsible, PoliteLs Girlfriend Kim Sooji- L and Jaehwas MomPretty, Motherly, Nice, Eager, GenerousLikes the Xi FamilyBestfriends with Luchu Xi Luchu-Huanyue and Luhans MomPretty, Nice, Motherly, PoliteLikes the Kim FamilyBest Friends with Sooji Kim Jaeson-L and Jaehwas DadCompany Owner and PresidentLikes the Xi FamilyBusy, Fun, FunnyBest Friends with Huangfu Xi Huangfu-Huanyue and Luhans DadCompany Owner and President in ChinaLikes the Kim FamilyBusy, Nice, PoliteBest Friends with Jaeson Etc... There are a lot more characters ☺Im sorry for deleting my story. Im so stupid. I accidentally deleted A Heart Full of Love (original).I hope you like it. Sorry to those 28 or 29 or whatever subscribers :( Thank you to kumocho and▐░♥░▌K U M O C H O Poster Request Shop ▐░♥░▌for making my poster ☺Thank you to _Kaemin_ and  ღ || h e a r t p r i n t s ✄ D e s i g n s ||| for doing my poster ☺Thank you to rawrkpoptiger and ツB2UTIFUL GRAPHICSツ for doing another yet beautfiul poster and background ☺Thank you to Candyy and —rotten apple ѽ for doing an another amazing poster ☺   ForewordWhile Jaehwa and her family were practicing tennis, they met a new family from Beijing, China. They all realized, htye have the same interests and hobbies. All of them became close friends. Jaehwa and Luhan were getting closer and closer together. One day during their piano performance, Luhan was threatened by the kingkas to stop being friends with Jaehwa and join them. Luhan was just starting to like Jaehwa, so he objected. They threatened him more and he finally accepted. During the whole 5 years of ignoring, the Kim and Xi family noticed they werent friends anymore. To make them fall in love with each other again, the Kim and Xi family did their last plan , which was to do an arrange marriage for the both of them. Trailer: This is the most awesome trailer ever~!!!! ☺Double thanks to VIVIshouse and ♔Paparazzis ⓢ〶ⓤⓓⓘⓞ for the amazing trailer ☺
