Consequences of Love Affair

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Author: jillybillyxo
Time: 2023-11-02

You were new; you did nothing wrong, but they turned against you. You stayed quiet and you complied, and still they all hated you. He watched you, and he loved you, but you never saw. He waited and he waited for you to finally see, But you were with another guy that wasn’t meant to be. You had always been an outcast since high school year, and since then, you preferred being with yourself. It was always better this way. People couldn’t hurt you if you had barriers that kept them away. You didn’t have to trust people and have to deal with the feelings of betrayal. But what happens when someone steals your heart and forces those barriers down? What if that someone was the wrong person for you, though? You fell in love with your college professor, and because you didn’t want high school to repeat itself, you kept this forbidden relationship a secret. But when someone catches you, what do you do then? There’s only one solution: be a slave. ForewordI decided to go ahead and post the description! Ive been very excited to post this new fan fic because this time, I put in a lot of effort and decided to write really long chapters for you guys: 4000+ words! I really do want to make it long since I like long stories, lol.Disclaimer: This is an original story, I didnt copy from anyone. If it seems similar, its merely a coincidence!I hope you enjoy reading this! Im looking forward to posting the chapters!! So far, Ive already written 3 chapters and in the process of the fourth one! Do subscribe/comment if you like it! But Im not going to force it down your throats!!Enjoy, again! And thanks in advance for reading/subscribing/commenting <3ALSO SMUT WILL BE INVOLVED~!! This will be my first fan fic with smut, so please go easy on me! I didnt mark the whole story as mature since sex wont be involved in every single chapter! Itll probably start on chapter 4... lol. (:I GOT MY GRAPHICS TODAY~ THANK YOU TO Misfit Graphics!! Be sure to check them out!! Foreverdaragon made mine, and its beautiful~~!!
