Ga eul got sick of yi jeong, she had enough of him, she fell out of love, she cant bear the pain anymore, she cant continue to compete with yi jeongs other girls even though she was the girlfriend, she couldnt take it any longer, her heart would be torn apart if she didnt break up with him, so she decided to disappear from his life and leave him.Its like the she never met the F4, its like she had an amnesia. She only talked to jandi and chun sik, and the people she knew before she met the f4."regret is always at the end""you never know a good thing unless its gone"those were the things yi jeong learned. He realized he loves her more than anything in the world, more than pottery, more than himself. Now he is in so much pain, its driving him crazy. he wants her back but she was as hard as stoneso for yi jeongs sake, their friends try to help him find a way to get her back. whats their plan? will it work? do they have a plan B? how many do they have? will yi jeong ever get her back? or will he end up like his father? Forewordthis is just a short story, i was inspired after hearing this song : "just want you to know" by backstreet boys, listen to it while reading, youll feel the emotions yi jeong has