Under the Night Sky : With Her

Dara 00K Active
Author: happyenyen
Latest: With Her
Time: 2023-11-02

I had loved her...   ... A long time ago ...  Foreword   hello everyone :) how are you? XDI hope that everyone is fine. Anyway, this is another story of mine.This is not 100% original though. I got the inspiration of this from a document I happened to read at my brothers laptop.I dont know who wrote that, but who ever you are, THANK YOU FOR THAT WONDERFUL STORY AND FOR INSPIRING ME. This will be the second fold of the two-fold story for the UNDER THE NIGHT SKY series.Although referring to the stories as first and second is not really the appropriate term since the two is not the sequel or the prequel of the other. But, whatever. :) The first fold is With Him Each fold will just be one-shot. Just a short story, around a thousand words only. love, Disclaimer: This is just a work of fiction. The artists personalities being used in this work is just pure imagination of the author, created to fit the story.
