Happy Lunar New Year!
HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR TO ALL! I know not everyone is celebrating this festive occasion but it doesnt kill to have this little present for all rights? (: Since not all the oneshot shop supporters are GYoon stans, I thought I should post this special short oneshot separately. Just LOVE/MISS/ADORE GYoon too too muchhhhh! So... Here it is~! HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE~! Hope you guys like this surprise! ♥ 09/02/2014: A BIGGGG thank you to -mighty_extics for this cute poster~! ♥♥ ForewordYoona ah~! Eodiya?! Bbaliwa! Bo! Go! Shib! Da! Woori Ji Yonggie is going CRAZYYYYY!Appa, Umma, say hello to your daughter and daughter-in-law~!Yoona ah, work hard but do take a rest too! We miss you! Eat well~Im Yoona hwaiting! Saranghae! Happy New Year yeobo! Saranghae! Ill see you soon! "What are you looking at?" Bum Soo oppas voice startles me. "Ahhh~ Video message?""Oh! Oppa!" I beam as I look up. "Yeahs... My family~" "Aigoo~ Newly wed sure is different," Bum Soo oppa teases."Oppa! Stop teasing me!" I feel heat rushing up my cheeks at the term. "Didnt make a call to your family?" "This is what old couples do," he jokes. "We communicate by sending telepathic messages." We share a common laugh at his joke and he excuses himself to head for the restroom. I return to my phone, replaying the video with a smile. Dami unnie is holding on to a glass of red wine, Appas and Ummas are smiling brightly for the camera, a full family shot, cheering me on. And finally, the love of my life ends the video with a kiss.Yes, Im Im Yoona, a member of Girls Generation. Oh, and a newly wed. This is the first new year Im spending with this new identity. But yet, Im here filming, not being able to have a proper reunion dinner with them. Sighs... Oh well! Its fine! Im going to see them realllll soon! And this video, is going to be a boost for me to end the filming as soon as possible! My new identity? Mrs Kwon. Kwon Ji Yong, aka Big Bang G-Dragons wife.