My Girlfriend Is A Doll

4minute 60K Active
Author: QjinDoll
Time: 2023-11-02

Do You Like Dolls? Of Course You Do! Cause Dolls are beautiful in everyway. They have a beautiful long hair, pretty eyes, kissable lips and pretty dresses. What If One Day You Recieve a Doll and it turns into a Human? Lets take a look at Lee Gi Kwang of B2ST love story with a living doll. One day Gi Kwang recieved a Mysterious Box from a stranger. He was surprised when he opened the box when he saw a beautiful doll. It has a letter beside it so he read the letter first and it tells all about the doll. And The Doll is HYUNA. Afterwards Gi Kwang accidentally kissed the doll and it turns into a Human for 24 hours, and it will become a doll again after 24 hours.But when Gi Kwang Kissed Hyuna when there was a full moon Hyuna became a temporary Human and will going back into a doll if theres a cresent moon.Gi Kwang planned that he will use Hyuna as her Girlfriend to make her ex-girlfriend Yoona to be jealous & also a revenge for leaving him.But Hyuna the doll started to fell inlove with Gi Kwang, But she knew that Gi Kwang doesnt love her. And Hyuna find outs that if Gi Kwang will fall inlove to her she will become a HUMAN forever. Will Gi Kwang would fall inlove to Hyuna? Lets find out!Anyonghasaeyo! Its Hyerinkiki with the 2nd series of KISSING YOU IN THE MOONLIGHT,this  my 5th fan-fic & 1st fan-fic with-out a fictional character :)"My Girlfriend is A Doll" Well Its a fantasy type story. Im so excited to write this story when it blows up in my mind and my imagination get wider. Well im giving a smut scene for this. & Again its b2ST Lee Gi Kwang in the fan-fic cause hes so damn hot & cute, and hes my bias! And Hyuna of 4minute cause shes awesomely cute like a doll. Actually I have written this on the other fan-fic sites but it screwed up! Pls. Do subscribe and Comment!  ForewordKISSING U IN THE MOONLIGHT 2nd SERIES:"My Girlfriend Is A Doll"CHARACTERS:"Hyuna The Doll"*Cute*Loving*Innocent & Sweet"GiKwang" *Handsome & Cute* Such A bad guy*Sometimes Loving & Caring*Hot & Cool"B2ST"Doo Joon*Leader*Caring OppaHyun Seung*Sweet & LovingJun Hyung*Mysterious But Romantic*Always Quiet*The RapperYo Seob*Cute*Silly & CleverDong Woon*The Maknae*Romantic & Caring*A little bit Silly FAIRY TAE YEON*The Doll Maker* The good fairy"THE DOLLS""Bom"*The Pretty Princess Doll*Shes Hyunas Bestfriend"Ji Hyun"*Sweet Eoni Of Hyuna*Cutie doll in Inhyungsaesang"So Yeon"*The other Human Doll*She will met Hyuna soon.."Q-ri"*The Fashion Doll* Hyunas best friendTHE HUMANs"Yoona"*Gi Kwangs Ex Girlfriend*Jun Hyungs Girlfriend*She hates Hyuna & Jealous of Hyuna"Ji Yoon"*Gi Kwangs Best-friend*She likes Dong Woon*She likes Hyuna & Shell become Hyunas Human Bestfriend..WARNING:This Fanfic contained foul language.& This fanfic originally came from my ideas.If theres some similarities, its just a co-incidence& I don not own B2ST & Hyuna.its consider as a fan-ficAnd I also dont own any picture of the dolls & Artist.No PLAGIARISM!Hyerinkiki@AsianFanFics ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDPOSTER BY:BADDOLLYANKR "THANKS" [OLD VERSION]
