L U H A N : M y M e c h a n i c a l B o y f r i e n d
{Lu Han: My Mechanical Boyfriend } Welcome to Metatron Corporation. We are here to fulfill your wish to have a boyfriend.All you need to do is choose your Ideal Type and Voila.You have now your mechanical boyfriend. But of course to top it all, a boyfriend cost $1,000,000 each term. But Metatron Corporation guarantees you the best of our service and we promise that your million dollar boyfriend will be worth it. {The Models } Lu Han || ZeroDate Created: UnknownHeight: 178 cmOwner: - - - - -Status: Purchased Lu Han or better known as Zero in the Metatron Corporation.Lu Han is the first robot to be invented. Though he is the first one, Hes the most advance of all the robots. You cant customize him since his features are permanent. Jong In || KaiDate Created: January 14, - - - Height: 182 cmOwner: - - - - -Status: AvailableWorth: $1,000,000 Yi Xing || LayDate Created: October 7, - - -Height: 177 cmOwner: - - - - -Status: AvailableWorth: $1,000,000 Joon Myun || SuhoDate Created: May 22, - - -Height: 173 cmOwner: - - - - -Status: AvailableWorth: $1,000,000 Zi Tao || TaoDate Created: May 2, - - -Height: 183 cmOwner: - - - - -Status: AvailableWorth: $1,000,000 Se Hun || SehunDate Created: April 12, - - -Height: 178 cmOwner: - - - - -Status: AvailableWorth: $1,000,000 {The Humans } Kim Jinhee » First official buyer or should I say owner of Luhan because she really isnt capable of buying him due to her financial problems.She met a woman who offered her a help if shell be her customer of Metatron Corp. Baekhyun » One of Jinhees bestfriend. He is secretly inlove with her.When Luhan came, his chance tobe with Jinhee became less. Hes also the son of one ofthe CEO of elite companies in their city. Soohyun» The nerd bestfriend of Jinhee and Baekhyun. Ironically, Soohyun is inlove with Baekhyun but Baekhyun doesnt have an idea to it. Soohyun continues to keep it a secret though it really hurts her.Shes from a normal and not-that-wealthy family like Jinhee.She is a majoring student in Music and a scholar. Mrs. Kwon» The reason why Jinhee became the first owner of Luhan.Little did they know, She was doing this for a reason that will surely change their lives. —layout by (x) at (x) © tothemoonandback. 2013 ForewordOkay. Sucks I know. XD No Foreword. Too lazy. JK. No need for Foreword to add the thrill. XD And the plot is obvious. Robot-Human or Human-Human relationship. *winkeu* *winkeu* banner: