Christmas Magic

Vixx 20K Active
Author: Kokechan
Time: 2023-11-02

A Neo Christmas Story or Taekwoon(a.k.a. the Grinch)s journey to accept his real feelings for Hakyeon(a.k.a. an Angel)...Its also a coffee shop AU because it fits the season!Happy Christmas! ForewordI wrote this story last year but didnt manage to finish it in time to post it before Christmas... I wanted to post it chapter after chapter this year but I was so busy I didnt find time to start posting earlier... So Im doing it today! Its the birthday of a close friend of mine. She isnt on AFF but I thought it was an auspicious day to share this story at last.Its a bit angsty I guess but with a happy ending (because sad endings are sad and its Christmas time and arent we all in need of comfort?)Im not giving it a rating because everything stays very soft (I think) but there is internalised homophobia and Ive seen warning for this in the foreword of other stories. So if you think I should change the rating, please tell me! (and dont read if you think itll make you feel uncomfortable, I dont want to cause pain to anyone) I might be overthinking this but as the saying goes, better safe than sorry!Now, I hope youll enjoy your reading!With love,Kokechan <3
