Time For Goodbye

Donghae 70K Active
Author: Lainny
Time: 2023-11-02

Title: Time For Goodbye Author: LainnyPairing: Kyumin, HaeHyukRating: PG-13Genre: Angst, RomanceDisclaimer: I do not own Super Junior (but I wish i did), I do own the storySummery: Sungmin is dating Kyuhyun but suddenly disappears with his brother Donghae.  Foreword “Hyung!” I woke up to my brothers knocks and yells from outside my room door telling me to wake up. “Hyung wake up its late, Hyukjae is almost here, hurry up and get ready!” “I’m up, I’ll be down in a few.” I usually don’t wake up late, I always have to wake up Donghae, but last night I wasn’t feeling so well. I even threw up. Today we are accompanying Hyukjae to pick up his cousin at the airport. He just arrived from studying in the US for 4 years. Hyukjae and him care for each other like brothers they are really close.  Heading downstairs I saw Donghae and Hyukjae cuddling on the couch, how I envy them. I wish I had someone with me but I still haven’t met the right guy. Plus I have to worry about my studies right now. “Good morning guys.” they almost jumped when they heard me. Hyukjae doesn’t feel comfortable cuddling with Donghae in front of me. “Good morning hyung.” Hyukjae showed me his gummy smile.  “Hyung what took you so long? Hyukkie’s cousin will arrive at the airport in half an hour. Hurry!” Donghae hissed at me. “But I haven’t had breakfast yet.” I said with a pout just too look cute and they can let me at least eat a fast meal, but I know Donghae won’t buy it. “We’ll eat after we pick Hyukkie’s cousin. Now lets go!” he pulled Hyukjae with him and I followed behind them. As always I drive and they both seat at the back seat like little children, Hyukjae quiet and Donghae making all the noise. When will he grow up, he’s like a little kid. 25 minutes later we arrived at the airport and we walked to the gate which Hyukjae’s cousin should be coming from. While the people are walking out of the gate Hyukjae is looking for his cousin till he spots him.  “Kyuhyun! Over here!” Hyukjae starts jumping up and down waiving his hands so his cousin can see him. No wonder Donghae like him he’s also like a little kid. I turned around to look at the direction that Hyukjae is looking at and ‘ wow, that guy is handsome!’ I thought as I watch him approaching us. He’s tall and he is wearing a navy blue suit. “Cousin Kyu I missed you so much!” Hyukjae hugged his cousin and almost suffocated him so Donghae had to pull him away. “I missed you too Hyukjae.”  “This is Donghae.” Hyukjae pulled Donghae in front of him so Donghae would face Kyuhyun. “Donghae this is my cousin Kyuhyun.” “So you’re the guy Hyukjae can’t stop talking about, huh?” Kyuhyun smiled at Donghae and then turned to my direction. “And who is this?” he asked Hyukjae. “Oh, this is Sungmin-ssi, Donghae’s hyung.” he turned to face me again and smiled to me. “Nice to meet you Sungmin-ssi.” “Nice to meet you too Kyuhyun-ssi.” I can feel myself blushing. “ Guys lets go eat something now.” I said. We went to a restaurant near the airport, we ordered and when the waiter brought the food I started feeling sick again.  “What’s wrong hyung?” Donghae asked me and I just smiled at him and shook my head. “Nothing, I’m fine. Just a little tired.” I lied not wanting him to worry about me. I just need to go home and rest, I feel so tired.
