The longest summer
Title: The longest summerAuthor: Melodia <3Pairing: JaeMinLength: / 30?Rating: PGGenre: shonen ai, romance, sligh angstDisclaimer: I own them in my dreams and only the story in reality ~ Description : Changmin was four when he first stepped in the Kims house to spend the summer as his parents couldnt find enough time to take care of him. Since then, he went there every summer, loving every second he had spent with his pretty Joongie hyung until the day he became too old to stay at their place for that particular reason...Author comment : I didnt have idea for a poster, so I just put pics of them together XDD I wont begin the story before I end the other one, but even so I wanted to post it. It wont be a funny one, Id like it to be sweeter and cuter ^^ PS: For those who knew the story previously, I made some changes, so be aware that it might also change few things later!Also this is for now subs only, you can check my blog post for further informations. Foreword"Joongie! Come here baby." The middle aged woman called her son. A six years old boy scampered over to the place Changmin and the woman were. When he noticed the unfamiliar face he tilted his head and sent his mother a questioning look. She squatted next to his younger and only son and patted his hair. "This is Changmin. Hell spend summer with us. Hes four, that means youre a hyung now, take care of him ne?" She explained with a smile. Jaejoong examined the young boy in front of him and smiled cutely. "You bought me a friend?" He said with bright eyes. Jaejoongs mom chuckled and look the toddler that was watching his son carefully, visibly curious. "You cant buy friends, pretty." She said to her son, amused. "Pretty?" Changmin whispered as he looked the older boy. That was the nickname she used to call his son when he was acting cute. But to Changmin, it was his hyungs name. A little too young and shy to clarify, he didnt think much and used it as if it was his hyungs real name. Years passed by, it became a habit, his habit. Even after fifteen years, Jaejoong was still his pretty.