1000 Words

Romance 00K Active
Author: curionenene
Latest: Chapter
Time: 2023-11-02

In a world where you only have a thousand words a day, Luhan doesnt have enough to tell Yixing how much he loves him.   Written for  ♠ au contraire :: a writers debut (Pre-debut Round)  [A/N: The idea came from the fact that the story needed to be more than 1000 words and so I thought Id set myself a word limit of exactly a thousand words because Im masochistic like that. The idea of words being limited is not my original idea - I read it in a SHINee fanfic on lj which stole the idea from a book [EDIT: its from a poem, not a book]. And Ive even in fact used such a context in one of my psl role-plays with a friend of mine. But the context is really fun and full of possibilities and so this imagining sprung up especially with the very useful fact that you can stretch Lays inability to pay attention for any long amount of time down so many ways. Also, if you think about it, if I lived in this world, Id have used up my 1000 words just to tell you this story.EDIT: I realise I probably should have made my inspiration clear when writing this since Im dealing with a really touchy issue. So the reason Yixing is autistic in this fic is because during the time I was writing this I was in a job where I have to work with autistic kids, and so the inspiration came from there. But this fic isnt really about autism or anything like that but the people who take care of people with disorders and work with them - which is why the fic deals with autism in a more general light (I did do my reasearch of course, but I couldnt fit that much detail in this fic because I forced myself to work within 1000 words, most of the meaning I tried to put across in the nuances of the words). I also wasnt really trying to create a unique plot point either by making Yixing autistic either, in fact, quite the opposite - I felt I was trying to write a very cliche fic about Luhan and his anxieties and emotions about loving someone like Yixing. And so although maybe the view of autism is flawed and probably not accurate, I find that its fine because this is from the view of someone who is not autistic, and not matter how much we try to understand, someone who does not have the condition will never be able to have the same world view as someone who is. A closing thought about this fic was that I liked the idea of playing out the irony in which Yixing is the one deemed by society with problems and yet Luhan is the one who is the one shown as flawed in the story.]  Foreword  "The government did something. No one knows exactly what. They just know that one day, after the announcements, the typical men in black had shown up at houses doorsteps and it had been done. And now if anyone were to use up their allotted number of words by speaking, typing, writing or singing, their words would fail them. The thoughts, emotions, and images of description could well up in their minds, swirling like a rushing dam overflowing, but try as they might, the words would slip from their grasp like a life that God has taken."
