
Drama 00K Active
Author: DayDreamGirl
Latest: Normal Day...
Time: 2023-11-01

You are just a normal girl behind the glasses. You are shadow of everyone, no one ever notice you. You’re just invisible to them. You never had friends; your parents sometime forgot you or ignore you. You’ve in hell all theses years that is until you meet seven handsome boys. They calm that they’re your half brothers! Not only that, they’re vampires! Not only vampires but also Princes Vampires! Which makes you a Princess! You are part of human and part of vampire. You’ve been wondering who are your real birth parents. Not only that your half brothers have been suffering and been using by someone very evil that lived in the darkness hell. That’s not it, your not just their half sister, they also told you that you’re their mate. But someone else has told you that you his mate. You’ve been though all the drama, family situation, friendship, loves, dark, and angst. Are you going to have the happy ending after all this?Warning! Blood, voilence, dark scenes, languages! ForewordName: Yoon youAge: 15Fake Race: HumanReal Race: Half Human and Half VampireHistory: You thought your just a human giirl behind the glasses. Your parents harldy comes home because of their business. They sometime forgot you or ignore you. But you already used to it. You are working hard girl. You never had friend and cant stood up yourself. You are just a quiet girl. That is until you meet seven strangers handsome boys...Personality: Stubborn, gentle, kind-hearted, funny, dramatic, hard-working, understanding, and friendly.Twi-Light-Left to Right-Taesung, Black, Minyeong, Siwan,  Heecheon, Jaeyoun, TNTaesungRace: Full Vampire/Prince vampirePower: Water/IceBlackRace: Full Vampire/Prince vampirePower: Control ShadowsMinyeongRace: Full Vampire/ Prince vampirePower: Earth/PlantsSiwanRace: Full Vampire/Prince vampirePower: Air/WindHeecheonRace: Full Vampire/Prince vampirePower: Vision/ Dream VisionJaeyounRace: Full Vampire/Prince vampirePower: Super SpeedTNRace: Full vampire/Prince vampirePower: Super strength==============Before you all go on me! DBSKGIRL4EVER is okay with it! I already ask her about this plot. It may look simliar B-U-Tits different plot! IM NOT COPY OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT!!!I just thought about this plot and realize that the plot may be similar to dbskgirl4evers stories but! TOTALLY DIFFERENT!!!Thats all and thank you. :)
