Author: ladysasuke
Latest: Xiuhan - Confession
Time: 2023-11-02
The members of EXO have called a meeting to complain about Luhans obsessive and possesive behavior toward their favorite hyung and their lack of attention from their beloved Xiumin-hyung. Foreword"I think luhan-hyung has Xiumin senses." Sehun, the baby of EXO explained while the others just looked at him blankly." You know like spider man has senses to sense danger My spider senses are tingling." He imitated," But, Luhan senses are more like My Xiumin senses are tingling whenever Xiumin is away from him. Thats why he always know where to find him. " He finished, standing proudly at his explanation and the other members had paused, looking at Sehun like he was crazy before they all burst into laughter at his serious look.