
Breakup 20K Active
Author: Scarlet
Latest: Chapter 7
Time: 2023-11-02

What was supposed to be a perfect birthday between Cody and Dongwoon turns into a gloomy day when Dongwoon makes a cold abrupt decision, leaving room for someone else to warm Codys heart. ForewordI rarely like writing about real people but once again Cody and Dongwoon are living out their relationship through my words, with an added character. I use Dongwoon because Cody really likes Dongwoon and B2ST, but this story isnt really a Dongwoox Cody fic. Both Dongwoon and the other male character, Alex (not his real name), represent one person, another friend that had feelings for Cody.He wanted to share the same page with Cody since he felt that might be as close as he ever got to him. This fic is a birthday present for Cody but it feels like a present for two guys that I really care about. Due to email complication I couldnt send it Cody directly.Most of what Alex does and says are his own, simply put down by me to make the story work. This fic is more a way to show Cody the heart of someone that loves him, than to be a kpop fanfic. This is how my friend would spend his birthday with Cody, if he had the chance.The fic begins sad; grab a kleenex if youre the emotional type because it isnt a sweet birthday story. A sad fic was not my intent especially for a birthday but it s sort of the mood among our friendship. I wrote this fic in a day, not wanting to stop for fear of deleting. My friend is shown as Dongwoon, the one pulling away, and Alex, the one that wants to stay. Its written so the reader can see into the thoughts of both Cody and Dongwoons mind and day, as they deal with whats going on between them.Im only concerned about the birthday boy liking it so I honestly dont care if no one else likes this fic.-----------Happy Birthday Cody <3 Im sorry I wrote a melodramatic fic instead of a fluff and "Alex" maybe someday Ill write that smut, but I dont really want to write about my two good friends having sex right now hehe. Love you both!
