❧ From Past To Future ❧ EXO Apply Fic {Open}

Exo 10K Active
Author: E-song
Time: 2023-11-02

|| People might find it hard to believe that one can travel through time,      But that might be proved wrong with just one simple mistake that was made for love...||      Joseon, a peaceful Korean state, is now facing problems. The crown prince didnt attend to his own wedding ceremony and was found out to be missing since the night before. The crown princess, who underwent depression before, thought that there was still hope, so she sought out the entire state and found six girls who can help her, each has her own special ability. They were not powers or amulets or magic. They were merely human abilities and each of these girls has one and is the best in her field. One day, something unexpected happened-an assassin attempted to assassinate the crown princess! This was what it all took for her majesty to take one more step forward. She and the other six girls went out on an adventure but at some point,  something went wrong and  the six girls are now the ones that went missing. Who knew that they actually went to the future?!   ~TiMeS dEfInItIoN~Title: From Past To FutureAuthor: E-songGenres: Romance, Action (slight), Fantasy, Supernatural, Historical (more or less), Drama (slight) & Comedy (?)Disclaimer: The plot is mine. Inspitration is from the korean drama, "Rooftop Prince". Similarities  to other stories are just mere coincidence.  ~tHe LaWs Of TiMe~ ❧ Subscribe before or after applying. ❧ You must use the source code provided. If you dont know, how heres how to do it. (Credits to Keychained for the guide!^^) CLICK THIS!  ❧ A clear and neat application increases the chances of being chosen. ❧ Please follow the guides (Those with brackets just like this {…} or […]) that will be given throughout the application form. ❧ The application must be in blog form. ❧ Private message me your application link. (You don’t want others to copy, right?) CLICK THIS TO SEND ME YOUR APPLICATION!  ❧ Lastly, please leave one or two comments in every update since, I’ll be giving all of you the chance to be in the fic, depending on your applications, so no one is not chosen.  {Application Form || Source Code || E-songs Sample Application Form}   Foreword Special thanks to: Curiosty Poster shop and Graphics shop for the awesome poster and background made by IHavePopcornUpMyBum ; Ebony , the designer  And to Sea of Vogue: Graphics Shop for the other poster done by shineecrazed!    MuSt ReAd!!!    Hi~! E-song here! So this is another apply fanfic of mine. This fic is inspired by the Korean drama "Rooftop Prince" although Im gonna change most of the plot. Ill be choosing FIVE main characters, since Ill be one of them ,too, as expected.Everyone who applied will appear in the story, appearance depends on how much I liked your application. If I loved it, you might have a chance to be one of the main characters, but if all the slots are already taken, Ill make you a character who appears a lot as much as the main characters. If I liked it, youll be appearing sometimes, but if I dont like it that much, youll only have a special appearance. Well, I hope you apply as soon as I update the form~! Good luck~! Due date is still undecided. Maybe when I get enough applicant?
