How Should I Tell You?
Author: Skritz
Latest: How Should I Tell You?
Time: 2023-11-03
Baekhyun doesnt know how to break it to his boyfriend that he may have stomach cancer. Foreword Title: How should I tell you?Pairing: Baekhyun/Chanyeol (Baekyeolllieeee <333)Word Count: 2,865Warnings: - Failed FluffWarnings: - Failed HumourWarnings: - Failed AngstWarnings: - Failed WritingWarnings: - Failed GrammarWarnings: - Possbily Failed Everything :PA/N: Well this is like a thank you fic for exocholic who wrote Rest for me. I am nowhere near her amazing writing style, but this is an attempt :D Please do let me know what you think ^^