Royal highschool

Jessica 00K Active
Latest: Closer
Time: 2023-11-02

"KHU or kirin highschool in this royal school you need to be POWERFUL so no One can make you a trash or dump your SOUL ,LIFE and most important PRIDE"-mariel englisIn this school have a ranking from KINGKA, QUEENKA, PRECIOUS, FRESHMEN, PROWERS, and last is REGULAR.  "YOU NEED TO BE ALWAYS IN THE TOP" ForewordIn KHU or kirin hihgshcool university. is a school who mange a high standard and quality in making a student great and wonderful in this school you need to be RICH, HAVE A GOOD BACKROUND and POWERFUL.  "RANKING STANDARD" ALL student have a position to highest and to lwest rank  KINGKA- this is the highest position amomg male And the KINGKA is kim jongin or kai the student called him "school king heart breaker"  QUEENKA-this is the highest position in the femle And the QUEENKA is suzy or suzy bae but it is all (change when a new girl come) suzy is so called "school sweet heart" because of her cuteness.  PRECIOUS- if you are in that position you need to be one of the most rich heir or heirress, if you are in this position you are one of the most powerful student among other And the precius students are exo, f(x), snsd, 2ne1 ,miss a,  FRESHMEN- if you are in this position you need to be one of the most great investors in the world so that you can be in this rank In this posion students are sistar ,aoa, hello venus, infinite, 2pm  PROWERS-The last in high rank in this position your parent must be lawyer, doctor or politician In this position is red velvet,crayonpop,aoa                                            AND THE LAST IS REGULARREGULAR-It is just the normal students student like this is bullied or manipulated by other powerful student "In this school you need to be powerful so no one can make you a trash or dump your personal pride" KRYSTAL JUNGHeirs of the JUNG FAMILY she is the youngest dauther of jung. the jung is known for their high stock value not only in korea or asia but in the whole world know for their fabulous brand of cars, clothing line, shoes and others but krystal need to be a nerd because she want to hide her personal image and she hate attention. People think she have a chic, cold and icy personality but deep inside she is just a kind ,cheerful and happy girl but now all is change when his father want her to come in korea to continue his highschool study but she want to act like a simple student but her sister jessica doesnt want to she want want her sister to show her true beauty not just normat but a JUNG but krystal too doesnt want that she just want a peaceful life but her peaceful life change when she bump to suzy. KAI He is very rich and powerful all the girl in school want to date kai he is a cassonova. a girl wont last a day just one night stand. he is heirs of the KIM FAMILY known for thier high stocks value in asia but for kai girl is all the same they just want a money but all of his thought erase when he see" campus sweet heart" is embarrased by the girl who is nerd and misteriousSUZYKnown for her cuteness but have a demon personality she is the dauther of the most great brands in asia so she is confident and highly respected by the students in the campus but all change when a nerd girl embarrassed her in the front of the school so she want to kill this girlJESSICA JUNGhighly respected because she is the school owner and she is krystal s sister and she will do all her best tp protect her sister and change her nerdy style because she want her sister to show to all people how beautiful her sister is  HI GUYS THIS IS MY FIRST KAISTAL FANFIC I WANT TO INFORM THAT IF YOU WAMT THIS STORY TO CONTINUE PLEASE COMMENT,SUBSCRIBE AND VOTE BECASE IN 2 DAYS IF NO ONE WANTS IT I AM GONNA DELETE IT SO PLEASE GUYS AND BY THE WAY WHO THE ONE THAT CAN MAKE ME A POSTER PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE THANK YOU!!!!
