It is the year 2014. The number of supernatural sightings have decreased and many attribute it to the fact that technology has advanced, thus people can now discern reality from illusion. Indeed, the rapid growth of technology has the potential to differentiate between human and the paranormal—which is precisely why the other species is thankful theyve managed to hide themselves more discreetly.Vampires, demons, werewolves, angels... Theyve existed since the start of humanity, perhaps even before that. They take on the exact same appearance as other human beings. In fact, almost half of the worlds population has supernatural genes in them without their knowledge. As centuries went by, the supernatural fell in love with normal humans and generation after generation, the supernatural essence grew more and more diluted. Thus, despite many having a tinge of supernatural in their blood, it actually isnt strong enough to give them powers.Back to the topic, the supernatural beings have trained themselves to assimilate more discreetly into the human race. Vampires have switched to pigs blood instead of humans. Demons take the souls of only those who are about to die. Werewolfs gather in a sanctuary before the full moon dawns to prevent themselves from hunting human flesh. Angels tend to work as nurses and doctors to heal humans.Meet Jung Daehyun. He is the epitome of every high school boys dreams. Hes utterly charming, the captain of his schools basketball team and fares well in his studies. No doubt he stands on top of the social ladder in his school. Hes also a pure-blooded vampire—and is growing restless of his fathers strict upbringing. What did you eat today? I told you to disguise yourself better. You are never to drink the blood of another human. Understood?Its not like he has to repeat it a thousand times a day. Daehyun has been curious his entire life but never actually felt lust for human blood simply because the ones around him have all been tainted with supernatural blood. Vampire kills were extremely frequent in the past because there were still many pure-blooded humans around, but its entirely different now.But one day, Daehyun picks up a scent in school. Its completely different and sends him into complete overdrive. He sprints through the crowd, deliriously searching for the source of the delicious smell. What he finds is a bespectacled boy sitting at the end of the library, buried in books of all sorts. A pure blood.The boy looks up, locking eyes with him. And thats when Daehyun decides he must have him. Pairings: Daehyun/Yongguk (DaeBang/BangDae), Zelo/Youngjae (LoJae/YoungLo), Himchan/Jongup (HimUp), Daehyun/Bomi (DaeMi), Himchan/Yongguk (HimBang/BangHim), Jaebum/Youngjae (2Jae), Daehyun/Jongup (DaeJong), others to come ForewordJUNG DAEHYUNVAMPIREHaving been spoiled by his rich for most of his life, Daehyuns accustomed to attention being showered all over him. Being popular for all of his life has done nothing to tone down his self-centeredness. A cocky and arrogant playboy, he is one to be hell bent on getting what he wants. BANG YONGGUKHUMANA soft-spoken senior who spends most of his time studying. He is a filial son who wishes more than anything to get into a good university and then a high-paying job to support his elderly parents. YOO YOUNGJAEANGELA feisty boy who is embittered over being an angel (and more unfortunately, a seraphim) and thus being obliged to work in the medical field. He wears a thick jacket to hide his wings. CHOI JUNHONGUNKNOWNHe is a lanky freshman who relentlessly pursues Youngjae despite the fact the older boy despises him. A multi-talented and generally easy-going person, the only thing he sets his heart to is gaining Youngjaes affections. MOON JONGUPELFHe is a humble hard worker who restrains from using his powers and has a high sense of morality. A docile and peaceful person. KIM HIMCHANDEMONA somewhat sadistic boy who enjoys drama and is generally indifferent about the things going on around him. His motives are hard to decipher. SOUNDTRACKEXO - GrowlSHINee - LuciferB.A.P - Check OnShinhwa - VenusEXO - OverdoseSS501 - Love YaU-KISS - NeverlandSuper Junior M - PerfectionSuper Junior M - Super Girl