Dear Diary
Who would have ever thought that a simple dairy would be the key to fall in love with a person?Starring:Kwon So Hyun (Sohyun)Kim Jong In (Kai)Ahn DanielJung Krystal-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys! Lately I have become a Sohyun fan. First of all, I would like to thank Alicevalliere for making me this AWESOME poster! She is truly the BEST when it comes to making poster! I really recommend her work if anyone needs a poster for their story. She is a PRO at making posters! I really love her work! Thank you my dear! I love you! :D Foreword August 30thDear Diary,Today is the worst day of my life! Not only is today my 14th birthday, but I just confessed my feelings to my next door neighbor Ahn Daniel (aka Niel) earlier today at Choi’s Park. I told him that I have been crushing on him since we were in diapers and I asked him to be my boyfriend. These were his exact words:“I’m very sorry Sohyun. I only like you as a friend. I’m sorry if I had given you mixed feelings. That wasn’t my intention at all.”Guess what I did after he said that to me? I ran all the way home crying! I have never been so embarrassed in my entire life! I got rejected and this was the worst feeling ever! I guess “looks” matters after all. I’m not the prettiest or the skinniest girl and on top of that, I was born with chubby chipmunk cheeks which made my face look a lot fatter. Thanks a lot mom and dad! (Just kidding)!!!!Great! I’ll never be able to talk to him like I did in the past anymore. He’s probably going to feel uncomfortable around me and avoid me when he sees me. Sigh…I have the worst luck ever.From now on, I’m just going to focus on school and nothing else! Gosh…I’m so depress right now. I hate this feeling…