
Romance 00K Active
Author: vitael
Latest: Third Stage
Time: 2023-11-02

Luhan is a new transfer student and strikes immediate popularity with the students.  He is nice to everyone and hangs out with the other school princes.  Hes very approachable, but whenever you try being nice, he seems to have a different personality.  But somehow, you find yourself on the road to being...Luhanified. Foreword“She needs CPR.”  Sehun advised, before coughing a little. “NO!” Luhan shouted, surprising everyone.  “You’re sick.  You don’t want to spread it,” Luhan explained in a softer and sweeter tone.   Sehun nodded and scooted behind Baekhyun who took a deep breath and rubbed his hands together, getting ready to breathe some life into the unconscious girl. “No.  Baekhyun.  You have a girlfriend, she might get jealous.” Luhan put a shoulder on his friend for assurance. Baekhyun paused to think and then looked at Luhan.  “Lu, you’re the man.”
