Saving You
Taemin was a bad boy in college. All he did was drink and go to parties. He was in training on being a model. [] Liu Wen and Fei Fei Sun were traning to be a model. [] Mr. Lee will do something to Taemin if he doesnt pass the pop quiz. [] Fei Fei finds out a mystery. [] Liu Wen does something extraoridinary.KimMinseok1 story. No plagarizing. © ForewordLiu Wen is a cute. honest, and a hard working woman. She is best friends with Fei Fei Sun and they go everywhere together. Secretly likes Taemin and does not even tell Fei.Fei Fei Sun is a happy, careless, complaining person. But her and Liu Wen get along very well somehow. (I am calling her Sun the whole time. Because it is her family name and it is proper.)Taemin is in training for being a model. He barely goes to the club. Girls surround him everyday. He is a lady killer. Plus, his grades are horrible in college! One teacher hates him. But he can be smart a lot times. He is also very sensitive. Mrs. Kim: Loves Taemin to death and is never mean to him. She is a kind teacher to all her students. She is a modeling teacher. Mr. Lee: He hates Taemin and he bullys him. A mean math teacher.