A FanGirl Diaries

Comedy 60K Active
Author: LeeSerena
Latest: Blackout PT.1
Time: 2023-11-02

Difficulties of being your bias group’s neighbour when they think you don’t know who they are and of course don’t want you to find out! “ New neighbours? why would someone like us welcome the new neighbours? we never did that before!” wonshik said with narrowed eyes. “well we should do that from now on then! It’s rude to ignore such nice neighbours. they even don’t know who we are! So it won’t be a problem” ken lectured.*** “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?” I screamed on the top of my lungs.   “serves him right. And from now on you’ll call Jason ,leo.understood?” I looked at her with wide eyes.she was just too much. “do you want them to find out we know who they are?” “ I don’t give a fuck.” She then ran to her room slamming the door in my face. “ why do you do this to leo?! He didn’t do anything to you!” I whined. She opened the door and peeked out her head “ cause he’s a bitch and deserves this. Do you think I like to name my dear Jason after that bitch? I’m afraid his attitude will go after him too and become a bitch!” She then slammed the door again barely missing the cute hello kitty slipper I threw at her face.*** “there’s no more peace in here anymore.” “you always say that to ken hyung!” hongbin said and giggled showing his dimples. “shut up”        Forewordhi there everyone.this idea was lingering in my mind for a while so I gave it a try and though Im not new to writing but it feels like its my first time :( I will try my best for this and I hope youll like it but I know I will probably mess this up so bear with me and I promise to work hard and make it better ^^ this fic is dedicated to my bff venus who supported me and helped me with this a lot.thank you lovely <3And lastly the lovely poster is by immapanda (ℰɴᴄʜᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ℘ᴏsᴛᴇʀsʜᴏᴘ),thank you so much!
