The Price of Fame

Jaejoong 20K Active
Author: MaikeruDesu
Time: 2023-11-02

Trainees at SM Entertainment, Kim Jaejoong and Jessica Jung both met each other during this harsh time. From the moment they interacted, there was an instant spark between them. However, uncomfortable and awkward at first, these two would later reveal their precious personalities that will set them on a path of Romance, Drama, and Angst. With Jaejoong finally nearing debut in a 5-member boy band and Jessica still being a trainee, one decides to end their secret relationship and focus on stardom. Who will regret that decision? Who will learn to love again? Both knew however, that fame always came with a price. Foreword Characters    (Pre-Debut)Our heroine of the story, Jessica (Sooyeon) Jung, a young and reserved Korean-American girl, joins SM Entertainment when scouted on a family trip. On her first day, Jessica meets Jaejoong  and the two become friends after an awkward exchange. Although the two were raised  completely different from one another, they began a friendship unaware of the other’s true  feelings. However, was she the one who ended her relationship with Jaejoong or did he?(Post Debut)After her relationship ended with Jaejoong, Jessica became a well sought out supermodel and CF celebrity. In media, "her looks is that of a princess, but her heart is that of ice." Only after confronting that man will she be able to learn to love again.  (Pre Debut)Our hero of the story, Kim Jaejoong, a hard working teenager who is granted his dream and about to step on stage as one member of a boy group. He embarrasses himself when finally  meeting Jessica which causes the two to begin a friendship of their own. Although he works  multiple jobs to support himself while living away from home, he cannot help but find the  properly-raised Jessica alluring. However, was he the one who ended his relationship with  Jessica or did she?(Post Debut)After his relationship with Jessica ended, Jaejoong continued his dreams: to become Asia’s finest  singer. Though he continues to sing for his fans, he cannot help but feel the void where his heart  used to be. Only after confronting Jessica will he be able understand what he did wrong and  convince her to be his again. Supporting Cast   Kim Hyoyeon: A friend of Jessica since their trainee years. She was offered a position in So Nyuh Shi  Dae (SNSD) but declined in order to hone her dancing skills. She sometimes, however, works alongside  SNSD in creating the groups choreography as well as training new trainees.   Members of So Nyuh Shi Dae Kim Taeyeon: Leader of SNSD and the groups main vocalist. She has a friendly rivalry with Jessica in  vocal prowess.      Tiffany (Miyoung) Hwang: Jessicas child hood friend with whom a promised was made where they would  shared a common dream: standing on the same stage. She provides SNSD with her alto vocal range.    Lee Sunkyu (Sunny): SNSDs Variety Queen, Sunny is the companies presidents niece. Although Sunny  wasnt training at the time Jessica started, Sunkyu provided and continues to give Jessica motherly  advice.     Kwon Yuri: After joining SM a year after Jessica, Yuris bright and eccentric personality dissolved  Jessicas solid barrier. The two would later become and remaind very close friends. She is SNSDs sex  symbol.   Choi Sooyoung: After Jessica and Hyoyeon respecitively, she trained at SM the third longest. Like Jessica,  she was raised in a wealthy family but is openly haughty with her roots. Despite her arrogance, she  enjoys teasing her members and is SNSDs comedy relief.  Im YoonA: Yoona is a very humble girl who is insecure about what she can offer to the group. Little does  she know, she is  SNSDs acting ace whose debut in a drama attracted many ahjumma and ahjussi fans.  She reminds Jessica of Jessicas younger sister and thus the two become good friends.  Seo Joohyun (Seohyun): The maknae of SNSD, Seohyun is the groups jack-of-all-trades. She excels in  piano, singing, dancing, and academics. Jessica admires the youngest girls determination and take on  life, as well as her pure innocent belief in love.   Members of Dong Bang Shin Ki Jung Yunho: Dong Bang Shin Kis (DBSK) leader, Yunho is also the groups best dancer and public  speaker. He and Jaejoong are very close due to the years of training they endured as rookies.He claims  himself a "ladies man" but is very appreciative to those around him. Park Yoochun (Micky): Micky provides the group with his skilled baritone/bass vocal range. He is fluent  in English and enjoys writing lyrics in his free time. He likes teasing Yunho and is best friends with  Junsu.  Kim Junsu: Likes to go by his stage name, "Xiah Junsu", this member of DBSK is the groups comedian  and can lighten even the tensest of atomosphere. He loves dolphins and views the rest of DBSK as his  family.  Shim Changmin (Max): Changmin is the groups maknae and grew up very well educated. He is easily  impressed and enjoys the sound of laughter. Max is also the closest to SNSD out of his band mates.
