Pegasus Land Roleplay. A Land For Witches (Open and Accepting Members)

Roleplay 00K Active
Author: PegaLand_RP
Latest: Master List
Time: 2023-11-02

Witches, Magics, and Supernatural Things are possible to be happened in Here, Pegasus Land! STATUS OPEN AU Roleplay with Magic School concept. Welcome to a place where you can increase your magic skills with 2 divisions, White (Pure) Magic & Black Magic Rules =- Subscribe!- No Bashing- No Twin- Keep the Smut things in DM or youll get warn from the admins- OOC dramas arent allowed- Keep the OOC Conversation in these () [] <> {}- Respect others- Tell the admins for Taking Hiatus or Leaving the Roleplay- Be active, at least 3 days per week- Do spamming to make the Timeline alive but dont too much (you know what I mean, dont you? kkk ~)- HAVE FUN AND BE EXPERT! How To Join =- Mention the base or drop comment bellow this page for reservation and wait for the confirmation with the right form (will be in next tweet, and also the username)Form to be a Witch = I wanna be a (Characteristic) witch of (Group/Soloist/Actor/Ulzzang) (Name) in (White/Black Magic) - (Class). Thanksex = I wanna be a friendly witch of SECRETs Jieun in White Magic - Mind Controller. ThanksorI wanna be a playboy witch of EXOs Kai in Black Magic - Attacker. Thanks- Make the account within 3 days- Username for White Maguc = @(freeusername)_W, ex = @SJieun_W- Username for Black Magic = @(freeusername)_B, ex = @KrisWu_B- Put on your Bio = (White (Pure) / Black Magic) - (Class) of @PegaLand_RP (then you can type whatever you want)- Follow the main base and mention to get the verification- p.s = We accept recycle account, dont worry- HAVE FUN & BE EXPERT!
