he really cares too much...

Exo 80K Active
Time: 2023-11-01

"Why did I go away.. Back to the practice room.. I should have been there with u.. I shouldve been the first one there with u but Im the last... I shouldnt have hid from u.. I just worry to much.. Please  i hope u can hear me.. And also hear this.. I love u... I wasnt there since.. I was worrying on my own about u.. I shouldve told u wat was wrong... Blame me if u will but please wake up I love u so please dont go I care about u so much... U dont deserve to be in... The hospital.. I love u..." It all starts here... ForewordWhen you win something as special as this, its overwhelming and hard to believe! Especially, since the competition was to write a speech about Exo and that over a million fans entered and only one won yep u!! So ur plane leaves at 10:30 in the morning and just in case, to be sure that u dont get late for the plane, u stay at the airport overnight with all ur luggage beside u. You wake up at 9:00 in the morning though u r still still so tired so u get a coffee from the Starbucks in the airport and eat ur breakfast at the café. At 10:20 u board the plane and the worst happens, u loose ur passport! And u remember how u lost it, u lost it because u bumped into a strange handsome man... U out of the way to check ur bag for ur passport then u sit down. Ur sitting on the side, rushing through ur bag looking for ur passport when, so suddenly, the strange handsome man pats u on the shoulder, u look up and he hands u ur passport. You r so speechless that u start to stutter when u take the passport from him. You dont knw wat to say so ur stuttering but u finally get round to saying thank u and then when u said that he winked and smiled and walked off. When u get on the plane, u keep on thinking about the strange man who gave u ur passport back and u swear that u have seen him before.. But u dont know where maybe on the tv u dont know! The next morning, u wake up and the steward on the plane said that it was gonna land in Seoul in 10 minutes. U get all ur stuff together and step off the plane, u walk into the airport where there are loads of people who greet u in Korean and many other languages that u dont understand, u go and collect ur luggage and greet people as u walk by them. Ur ticket included one night at an hotel! U check in at the hotel and ur room is so big! And the view is great u can see everything! U put ur luggage away and take ur camera and leave the hotel room. Since the concert isnt till tomorrow, u go and do some sightseeing and shopping! After u take a lot of photos, u go back to the hotel to eat dinner and then u go to ur room and get in bed, feeling really excited for tomorrow!
