stark reviews ● [semi-hiatus]
StarkREVIEWSNAVIGATIONHOMECONTACTFEATUREDREQUESTHIRINGMECHANISMOPENHIRING batch 1© SYNCRATIC UPDATE071014I wont be able to do the reviews atm. Exams are coming up -ohsiansNOTHING MORE THAN THAT — Whenever people asked, I just told them that he was Jaebum’s best friend. Not mine, my neighbor’s, Jaebum’s. That was all he was ever supposed to mean to me. He was that one guy that I wish I didn’t know, but spending time with him was inevitable.Welcomeestablished June 04, 2014. This thread has been opened in order to help authors improved writing stories by giving unbiased reviews, clean cut opinions by our reviewers. Though, reviewing is only the available service of this shop, beta-readings and such services would be opened to everyone if we have received an amount of requests for it. Thank you very much Tornado Glory Graphic shop for the wonderful poster! :)guidelines 001. Subscribe. To be updated and know if your request has been finished002. Fill the form with utmost seriousness. If youve put illegitimate information on your form, your request wont be processed.003. Comment below if you have received your request. PSSWD: the country you want to visit.004. Dont request for a review if your story is in draft or there is not even a chapter published.005. Credit us accordingly. Put a link back to our shop wherever in your story as long as it is visible.006. Respect us and we will kindly do the same to you.007. We reviewers have lives at the other side of this screen so please be understanding if your review is taking a while, we will try to notify if similar event occurs.RECOMMENDEDTHREADSSHOP NAMESHOP NAMESHOP NAMESHOP NAMEpendingboice_fanfics: love me if you dare 098%koreanlover300 : desire 042%username : name 042%username : name 042%username : name 042%username : name 042%username : name 042%blacklistusernameusernameusernameusernameusernameusernameAffliatescheck them out! staff roster OHSIANSREVIEWERI like reading and writing. Ive been in AFF since 2010. Though it is my first time reviewing, i have sufficient knowledge of the dos and donts. JANUS4EVERREVIEWERHello, Im Yvonne and I will be providing you with 100% unbiased reviews of your story. I am somewhat strict but if you want constructive criticsm, then Im your girl. NAMEPOSITIONreally short message here! lorem ipsum dolor blah blah blah whatever comes to mind put it here. specialties, age, etc.