What is love?
Author: IamHisConKYUbine
Latest: What is love, really?
Time: 2023-11-02
This is my first fanfic ever. Its a one-shot, a very short one inspired by The Innocent Man (drama) and Exos What Is Love. Warning, not a happy ending...Also, english isnt my first language so Im sorry if there are mistakes. Foreword"Youre perfect to me, I imaginedHow would it be if we were together?" - what is love by exo Changmin imagines a life with Kyuhyun in which everything will be easier. To him, Kyuhyun is perfect, the brightest star in the sky and truth is, he is. For the first time in his life, Cho Kyuhyun makes a selfish act, but is it? Changmin wont change it because perhaps he prayed for Kyuhyun to make something for himself, to fight for what he couldnt fight.