DIAMOND LAND | New and open !
diamond land roleplay◀ slide ▶aboutabout. Diamond Land is a place of peace and happiness where everyone is welcome. So join our fam today and have fun! tagstagstagstagsadminsrules1. Be friendly to everyone. This is a must,no excuses. If you have problems with anyone in the roleplay,direct it to the admins to settle the issue. 2.No face chasing,this is an absolute no-no. Please treat everyone equally. 3. Double accounts are not allowed. Once youre caught both accounts will be kicked out of the roleplay. 4. A limit of three character changes will be given to each person, if one is unsure if they want to permanently be the character, there is a temporary character change [tcc] which is unlimited,given that roleplayers wouldnt abuse it.One week tcc per character. 5.There is a dating ban of two weeks. Moving couples are accepted,just specify in the comment section. 6.Drama will not be tolarated,especially ooc drama. ic drama is okay,but keep it very minimal and drama should not affect other peoples perspactive about your character. This is a non-au roleplay so stick to your idols characteristics as much as possible. 7.Avoid vulgar words and censor it as much as possible,we have minors in the place. 8.If you wish to please keep it in pm or the group. 9.In order for it to be considered active, the admins should see you wallpost or at least comment on other peoples posts. Three days of inactivity would get you a warning,inactivity of at least one week will resort to a kick out. 10.There will be a monthly activity check. Failure to attend means you will be kicked out. 11.If you are in need of a hiatus,inform the admins prior to the date of the start of the said hiatus. Hiatus is at most one month. Thus after your hiatus has ended,you must be active for at least a week before you can renew it. If one wants to extend it,give admins a reason why weather specific or general. 12. Inform the admins through the aff if your account got sechecked or disabled, you will have 48 hours to make/recycle an account and come back. 13.Enjoy and have fun!how to join1. Subscribe to the aff thread,upvote is optional and much apriciated. 2.Your aff account must be at least 2 months old. We will be checking your profile to verify this. 3.Check the masterlist to see who is available. Comment down bellow in the form. 4. Once accepted you have 48 hours to create/recycle the account and send us the link to the aff.Once an admin adds you you will be added into the groups. 5.Put diamond + characters name as your alt name. [exp. diamond jeonghan] Also change your settings to friends only[look at the chapter called privacy settings to see how to do so.] for security reasons. namegroupualitypasswordPassword is your favourite season.event + updevent titleevent details. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiat consequat diam. Maecenas metus. Vivamus diam purus, cursus a, commodo non, facilisis vitae, nulla.00. 00. 00 - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.00. 00. 00 - Maecenas feugiat consequat diam. Maecenas metus.00. 00. 00 - Vivamus diam purus, cursus a, commodo non, facilisis vitae, nulla.feat.membersmasterlistmalefemaleseventeen: jeonghan hoshi dinomonsta x: group: name namegroup: name namegroup: name namegroup: name namered velvet: irenetwice: sanagroup: name namegroup: name namegroup: name namegroup: name namenote: if the character is not on the list, its available.admin taken reserved(00/00)wishlistjeonghan : compleat svt park hyungsik history yijeong and kyungil monsta xname: name name namename: name name namename: name name namename: name name namename: name name namenote: please grantedcouple listname x name - status - datename x name - status - datename x name - status - datename x name - status - datename x name - status - datenote: lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer© carbo