Oppa Saranghae

Fxband 00K Active
Author: pixie94
Latest: 8-10-2010
Time: 2023-11-02

Taeyoung is Taesun and Taemin’s sixteen-year-old little sister. Taeyoung is miserable and lonely due to the fact that she rarely sees her brothers, Taemin busy with SHINee and Taesun busy with being an SM trainee and in college. Taeyoung goes to the same school as f(X)’s Sulli and have known each other since they both were 5. But little did she know that her friend Sulli and big brother Taemin had more than friends on their minds… What will little Taeyoung do? Will Sulli still be her friend? Will Taemin abandon her more? Foreword"Taemin-oppa and I havent seen each other in  a long time. Yet when he finally comes home, he brought my best-friend in the whole world with him and introduced him as his girlfriend. How the hell did that happen?"
