Chapter 40 “Bitter Trut (1/2)

UnDERwoRLD kyouya3 74530K 2023-11-02

Chapter 40

“Bitter Truth”

Walter rose up, using his wings as he crashed into Yunho’s direction.

I can avoid it…Yunho thought in his mind. And so he avoided the attack that’s too fast for human to see, even for a vampire.

Walter kept attacking Yunho, couldn’t accept the fact that his attack didn’t work.

Stop bleeding…Yunho said to his palm and so the sword bleeds him no more.

Make him down…

Yunho jumped as he’s at the same height as Walter, he used his sword to defend Walter’s deadly attack as he counter attacking, using his sword to crush the wings.

“Aaaarggg!” Walter groaned in pain as he fell down with the torn apart wings. But before he hit the ground, he managed to use his knife finger to bleed Yunho’s arm.


And so with Yunho’s order, his arm healed.

“What the f*ck did you do?!” Walter hissed as he got up, staring at Yunho with his crimson eyes.

“I’ll defeat you…” Yunho simple said as he marched forward and smiled before he cut off Walter’s finger knife. Walter left shocked, but the evil vampire used his fang to bleed Yunho’s other arm. Yet, it healed soon enough.

“Stop!” Walter begged,” Stop attacking me with those f*cking memory!!!”

“You did it yourself, killing your mother, turning into monster…” Yunho spoke as his eyes sparked, leaving the half conscious vampire in amusement. Yes, the sound he heard before was part of Walter’s memory.

Just what is your power Yunho? Jae asked to himself. If Jae could be truthful, he’s…afraid of the now Yunho. Yunho’s eyes were red, not just red, but dark spell could be seen from it. He’s fast than normal vampire, and his wound healed without needed to drink any human blood. This’s not normal, Jae thought.

“Stop! Let…Let’s make a deal!” Walter spoke with his left strength. He would be killed for good if Yunho attacked him again.

“No deal…” Yunho spoke as he moved forward.

“But it’ll bring back your dead friends!” Walter tried to persuade, he used his remained power to make a dark smoke, as some pictures revealed.

“Min?” Jae couldn’t believe what he saw, and so was Yunho. They could see Changmin sobbed as he’s calling for Yoochun. What happened with Yoochun? They both asked. They just discovered Yoochun’s scythe. But Yoochun was nowhere.

“And this…” Walter showed the other picture. The view killing both of the vampires, Junsu sobbed as Junho lied inside his embrace, lifeless.