Chapter 31 "Traitor" (1/2)

UnDERwoRLD kyouya3 75540K 2023-11-02

Chapter 31


“It’s gone!!!”

“What are you looking for exactly?” Jae asked to the figure that had been going here and there.

“…Where the hell has it gone to?” the other man kept searching, ignoring the other vampire.


“Hyung, concentrate…” Min woke Yoochun from his daydream.

“…Sorry…But, is Junsu going to be fine?” Chun asked, he’s still worried at the werewolf.

“Junho hyung and that shape-shifter are there too. No need to worry, I think it’s better if---“

“You guys worry about yourself…” a voice echoed as both of Min and Chun got their guard up. Something was out there, around them, in the forest.

“Show yourself!” Min shouted. But nothing happened; nothing and no one came out. It’s just…too quite.

Feeling his ankle being bleed by sharp object, Min screamed in pain and rolled front. He slipped and fell on the hard surface, feeling the blood flowing. When he saw who did that to him, his heart stopped from beating. It’s impossible!


“Eat that!” Jung Min cursed as he kicked two hellhounds in one blast. One of them broke the wall and went into the coffee shop; meanwhile the other one hit the fountain. The water pipe broke and it flooded all over the town square. But suddenly, burst of fire made it ways to the fountain, leaving nothing but steam over the flood. What kind of monster was it exactly now?

“Junho!!!!!!” Jung Min screamed as loud as he could as he ran toward the werewolf. The monster already made it way to Junho’s direction, while the werewolf still busy fighting some Minotaur.

Junho hit the ground as another figure pushed him, using himself as the shield for his own brother.

“Junsu!” Junho immediately rushed to his twin’s side,” Are you OK? Junsu ah!”

“Hyungie…I’m fine,” Junsu smiled with the wound behind him still bleeding, meanwhile Junho could feel the blood on his palm, it’s not that deep, but still he didn’t like seeing Junsu bleed for him.

“Aarrrrggg!!!” Jung Min’s shouting could be heard as another 2 figures attacked him, leaving the shape-shifter in pain, leaking some blood.

“Jung Min!” Junsu tried to get up and rush to help Jung Min, but Junho prevented him as they saw who the two figures really are. They were the same one that attacked Min and Su that night after the meteor show.

“Let us introduce our self,” one of them said,” My name is Mica and this’s my sister Miranda…”