Chapter 29 “Friend or F (1/2)

UnDERwoRLD kyouya3 109650K 2023-11-02

Chapter 29

“Friend or Foe?”

“Chunnie!” Junsu cheered happily as Yoochun opened his eyes and blinked, once and twice.

“Where…am i?” Yoochun asked.

“My hideout…” a figure showed up as a light went into the room when the door was opened.


“No! It’s not Junho hyung!” Junsu warned as he got up. The three of them looked carefully at the man. Yoochun was still leaning on the bed.

“Hmm…anyone hungry?” the man asked as a smile appeared on his face, he was wearing dark maroon cape with black trousers, giving some mysterious feelings. But, he’s holding a plastic bag full of snack on his left hand.

“Who are you?” Yoochun asked as he sat on the bed, Junsu was concerned, but Chun nodded, telling him he’s alright now.

“Yaaa…how can you guys forget me? Aisshhh…Am I really this forgettable?” the figure sighed,” How poor I am, always like that. When people see the real me they forgot who I am. Maybe I should just not be me, or maybe the one the saw me when I was…blablablablabla…”

Changmin tried to read the man’s thought, and that’s when the man spoke,” Yaaa! Stop messing with my mind!”

He knows I was reading him!!! Min was more than shocked; no one ever knew when he read their mind.

“Who and what in the world are you?” Yoochun asked, he still feel a bit dizzy and the questions made it worse.

“OK, I think I’m gonna introduce myself, once again, or maybe I haven’t introduce myself before, anyway, I’m---“

“The shape-shifter that you guys met at your first mission with Yunho. He was the one who tricked you guys to be the ghost. No need to worry, he’s harmless,” Junho appeared out of nowhere.


“Why?” Yoochun asked. He never failed to send a ghost before this, he’s just too shocked.

“It’s because I’m not an apparition, I’m not a ghost…I even better that you guys…” the man said as he puts his palm on his chin.

“Then…what are you exactly?” Jae asked,” Etiäinen?”

“Not quite true…” the man said,” Let me show you…”

The mist goes around the man; he’s transforming himself.

“You gotta be kidding…” Junsu said as the man shows his new form.

“Yunho hyung?” Yoochun can’t believe his eyes. The man transforms himself into Yunho.

“No…he’s not Yunho hyung…” Min ensured.

“He’s right, I’m not…” the man, who’s still in Yunho’s shape, said.

“You’re…shape-shifters…” Jae declared.

“Shape-shifter?!” the other three chorused together.


“Yaaa!!! I was just about to---“

“Hyungie! Where have you been?” Junsu asked with his pouty lips,” Yoochun already awake, would you check on him?”

“I’m fine, Su…” Yoochun spoke.

“Hey, guys, listen to me when I’m---“

“So, do hyung figure out where Yunho and Jaejoong hyung are?” Min asked as he began to open the snack that the shape –shifter brought.